Here's what I had down prior to today:
Dec 14th
Strength 3x5 squats @ 225 lbs
Workout of the Day:
4 rounds of
25x wall balls
25x double unders (or 75 single jump ropes)
Very tiring, my legs were jelly for a while. Time 7:50
Jan 4th
3x5 squats @ 225 lbs
Workout of the day:
75 push ups
20 bear crawls, 30 feet each (these suck)
75 push ups
Jan 19th
3 x 5 back squats @ 225 lbs. I really need to try and move that up some, been there for a while now.
Tabata style, 8 rounds of
Deadlifts @ 135lbs
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off.
I did 64 deadlifts total and 48 burpees.
Jan 25th
Today was an "on the minute" workout. So each minute you did 2 Clean and Jerks, then 5 pull ups. Once you did them you rest for the remainder of the minute and then start again. Did that for 15 minutes. If you "missed" a set, couldnt complete it in the 1 minute timeframe, you were penalized 5 burpees at the end for each one missed. One new guy had to do like 30 burpees =(
C&J = 75lbs
Pull ups I used a band to help me cause i'm a wuss.
Jan 26th
Strength was 3 x max reps of chin ups (chin ups your palms face you, pull ups the face away). We usually do pull ups so these felt weird. Anyway I did 8 then 6 then 6 again but I used a band to help, without a band I can maybe do 4 tops =p.
30 Squats @ 155lbs. Cant re-rack the weight, had to do 30 in a row without dropping the bar or putting it down.
200m sprint
30 Burpees
Time: 4:53
Feb 2nd
Strength: 3 x 5 Back Squats at 230lbs
Run 1/2 mile
30 squat cleans @ 65lbs
30 ring dips
30 burpees
Run 1/2 mile
Feb 16th
Yesterday was 3x5 back squats for strength. I didnt do very well at all my form was terrible.
Workout of the day:
5 rounds of 10 power snatches (yes, I know) and 10 ring push ups with my feet on a 20" box.
Power snatches are basically lifting the bar from the ground, in one smooth and explosive movement, to up over your head.
Push ups were my hands in those olympic rings, and my feet up on a tall box to make them harder. You can go down further and having your feet above your head puts more weight on your push up.
Time: 11:34
Feb 17th
Today was 3x5 press. Which is just holding the bar over head, down to your chest and up. I used 85lbs which I was happy with.
Workout was 3 rounds of:
5 Deadlifts (185 lbs)
10 Kettlebell swings (20 kg/40lbs)
20 Knees to Elbows
Time was exactly 10 minutes.
Feb 20th
800m Run
9 Push Jerks (95 lbs)
400m Run
15 Push Jerks
200m Run
21 Push Jerks
Pretty happy with how I did today. Form was good, weight was high but not too high, runs were decent.
Push press: