Xequecal wrote:
DFK! wrote:
Only total elimination of those programs would do it, not "chipping away" at them.
By 2020, all Federal taxes must be doubled or all programs except Medicare would have to be cut, just to afford Medicare.
Social Security isn't even in that bad of shape, I've read that a 13% payout cut would make it solvent for the next 75 years. Even with such a cut, beneficiaries are still receiving far more from SS than was originally envisioned when it was created. Remember that when SS was created the average life expectancy of an SS pensioner was 8 years, today it's over 20 years.
Except that they're already telling people my age, and I just received my statement to prove it, that we're
currently going to get 76 cents on the dollar. That's without further issues.
RD wrote:
Medicare is obviously totally insolvent, but there's no reason you couldn't cut down the payouts so they're equal to that brought in by the payroll taxes. Medicare has been pay-as-you-go since it was started so nobody is even being "stolen" from by doing this.
One, they haven't really been pay as you go at all.
Two, you can't make any further cuts to physician reimbursement in a voluntary program without many, many physicians starting to refuse them.