Ok, I've put together the statistics. The "thread kill" count is based on the last poster for each thread starting on page 2 or later for all of the non-PbP forums. Announcement threads appearing on every page were deducted from the count. The new Food and Excercise forums do not yet have a page 2, and therefore were not counted at all.
Spreadsheets with all thread-killers are here:
Glade Kills (Excel)Glade Kills (Open Office)Top thread killers by absolute number of threads:
Poster Thread Kills Post Count Kills per post
Müs 81 2206 3.67%
Diamondeye 75 2100 3.57%
Micheal 71 1895 3.75%
Rafael 69 1681 4.10%
LadyKate 63 1434 4.39%
DFK! 57 1562 3.65%
darksiege 55 1226 4.49%
Kaffis Mark V 54 1197 4.51%
Shelgeyr 45 348 12.93%
Numbuk 45 414 10.87%
However, this really doesn't tell the whole story. A poster's activity level certainly has some bearing on their kill count. That is, all other things being equal, someone with 1000 posts is likely to have more thread kills than someone with 10. So I've also included kill percentage data (thread kills per post). From this weighted kill count, I've calculated your "kill percentile" based on the presumption of a normal distribution. This should be taken with a generous grain of salt since the data doesn't really quite fit a normal distribution. (I'm not sure why):

Here are the top ten thread-killers weighted by post-count:
Poster Thread Kills Post Count Kills per post
Amdee 11 74 14.86%
Sarmaran 4 27 14.81%
Dedolito 1 7 14.29%
Shelgeyr 45 348 12.93%
Wwen 25 196 12.76%
telloran 4 32 12.50%
Emer 2 16 12.50%
Arbas 1 8 12.50%
Adrak 29 248 11.69%
Oonagh 9 78 11.54%
The problem with this approach is that it tends to be overly punitive to people with lower post counts. This become really clear if you do a scatter plot of kill rate vs. post count. Posters with 500+ post counts are rarely above 6%, and posters with 1000+ post counts are rarely above 5% (slightly less than average). Müs, for instance, is somewhat below average in terms of kill rate, in spite of having the highest absolute kill count. There's a great deal more variance in posters with lower post counts, which is not all that unexpected, I guess.
107 out of 155 (69.0%) gladers have killed at least one thread.
Posters with appreciably high post counts and significantly low kill rates:
Monte -- 1704 posts, 22 kills (1.29%)
Khross -- 1032 posts, 10 kills (0.97%)
The poster with the highest post count and
no thread kills is Ienan, with 108 posts. Roofus Gunthar is a close second at 100 posts. Sean gets a distant 3rd place at 32 posts.
Forgot to point out that Shelgeyr has the highest kill rate (12.93%) for anyone with >100 posts (348). Numbuk probably gets an honorable mention here, too, with 414 posts and a 10.87% kill rate. But as I said earlier, posters with <500 posts tend to exhibit a lot of variance.