Beryllin wrote:
Khross wrote:
A business license is generally a very modest 1 time local fee. I never said the business has to be profitable.
Then what do you gain? Buy a business license and basically do nothing with it and vote as you please, anyway. That's really what this is about, anyway, is it not? Certain voter demographics vote a certain way, usually. That's what you seek to gain, voters who are likely to vote in a way you want them to, or so it seems to me.
Ok first of all, simply having a buisness license isn't the same as having a buisness, just like haveing a driver's license doesn't mean you own a car.
Second, obviously Khross wants people to vote in the way he agrees with. In his case, however, that is to vote responsibly; i.e. not just for whoever promises to be "for the poor" or whatever will grant them the most largesse. There's noting about people who own homes or buisnesses or who have served in the military that makes them in any way homogenous as a voting block. They just all have some tangible stake in the system.
A person who never serves in the military, never owns property, and never owns any sort of buisness (and a buisness really could be as simple as being the owner-operator of a tractor trailer) has no reason to be allowed to vote. They don't have anything, whether its their home, their livelyhood, or their personal safety that's at risk with the decisions made.
Nothing about this system makes it ok to start building gulags, internment camps, or ghettos, or make people drink at different fountains. Everyone is still a citizen and still has rights. People who can't vote can still protest and petition. They just don't get to directly decide who is going to be in office.
How can we
guarantee that there won't be any groups that become victims of legalized oppression? You can't. You can't guarantee that under
any system. Under the system we have now, if we ammend the Constitution to say "Asian people can't own guns" then guess what? Asian people can't **** own guns legally. That would be shitty, but it could be done perfectly legally. There is nothing anywhere that says "A sufficiently offensive type of government is always illegitimate".