Dash wrote:
Dude. Been there, I feel ya. It will come back faster than you might imagine. Keep it up!
Thanks, man. It really is amazing the things we stop doing when we allow our scheduals to control us, rather than us contrlling our scheduals.
Diamondeye wrote:
Keep going. If you're not dreading it, you're not working hard enough.
Especially at the sprints.
This has never been an issue for me. I love exercising. I look forward to it. Especially the feeling of complete fatigue and muscle failure at the end of a workout that lets me know I've earned it. Sprints are no longer a good option for me anymore, however. I did a good amount of damage to my ankles and knees playing football in college, and have to get cortisone in them semi regularly without putting that kind of stress on them. What I do instead is ride a bicycle.
Hopwin wrote:
My question is when Rynar started referring to himself in the third person...
When Rynar decided to get his sexy back. Any further questions on the issue should be refered to Rynar's people. Rynar doesn't do interviews.
Micheal wrote:
<egotistical professional athlete joke>
Micheal hits the nail on the head.
Screeling wrote:
Dude, you already look like Dimebag. Why do you want to mess with that? That's cool enough.
I've gotten to be bigger than a Dimebag. I think you'll have to start calling me "Half Ounce".
19 Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
Ezekiel 23:19-20