Talya wrote:
We're not talking about Jordan and Egypt. We're talking about the legally recognized (by most of the world) State of Palestine. Even Israel accepts its existence, even if they do not have diplomatic ties.
"By most of the world" doesn't mean a whole lot when that "most of the world" is a combination of anti-Israeli states with heavy muslim population, and the states that sponsor those nations (China and Russia). It has only observer status at the U.N., and Gaza and West Bank aren't even controlled by the same government; Hamas effectively controls the Gaza Strip while Fatah controls the West Bank.
In fact, Israel's claim to have unilaterally withdrawn from Gaza (and therefore given up responsibility as the occupying power) is disputed on the basis of Gaza not belonging to any soverign state, among others.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_StripHowever, this has been disputed because Gaza does not belong to any sovereign state and because of Israel’s effective control of the borders of Gaza, including its long sea border.
Granted, Israel controls access as well, but given the attacks on Israel from Gaza Strip, callign that an "occupation" is a stretching the truth.
The West Bank, on the other hand is under the joint control of Israel and the PA, undert he 1993 Oslo Accords.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_BankThe percentages are found below with a map. In any case, 83% of the land and 45% of the West Bank population are under Israeli control under that agreement, and 59% of the land and 4% of the population are administered by Israel as well.
It seems that the international community, to the degree it does anything as one group, has tried to have it both ways. When they want Israel to be responsble for the state of these areas, blame them for oppression, or cricticize them for response to armed attack, they claim Israel still controls them. When it's convenient to claim Palestine is a separate state, they claim its a separate state. Even its confused UN status points to this.
Israel has apparently decided that if the rest of the world can't decide one way or the other, it will too and play it both ways.