Ok, I'm much less spazzy now. I'm here in Nashville and I ran by the apartment complex as soon as I hit town. I was actually able to sneak into the actual apartment, as the maintenance crew cleaning it had shampooed the carpets and gone off to do something else, leaving the door unlocked.
If I can't find something better, I'm perfectly happy with that apartment. It's a bit old, and there are a few downsides (creaky floors, tiny kitchen), but what took the weight from my shoulders was that the area felt safe and perfectly livable.
I'm still going to look tomorrow at other apartments and see about some rental houses, and just forgo the $80 I put down for the application fee if I find something perfect for us, but the bottom line is that this is just temporary.
My boss is paying my living expenses up here for six months, to give Phe and I a chance to get to know the area and find that perfect place to live. In the meantime, we're looking into solutions for the house we currently have. We'd like to sell it, so that we're free from that mortgage and will then be able to purchase a house up here. I don't know about the feasibility of that, given the market and the depressed nature of the area, but that would be the best. Alternatively, we're looking into renting it. So long as it's not a financial drain on us, I don't much care, but I'm afraid that maintaining that mortgage would hamstring our acquisition of another one.
Regardless, I'm feeling much better for a number of reasons, not the least of which being the votes of confidence in the area from The Glade. Also, altering my perspective on the permenance of this particular living arrangement has lightened my mood as well. We're actually planning on only moving select furniture up here, and leaving the nonessentials in the house for A) staging, and B) storage. We're going to disconnect everything except the electricity, and unplug everything/take the usage down to a negligable level, so it'll still be on when we need to go down and move stuff or whatnot.
Forgive any typos in this post, if you would, please...I went off and forgot my glasses, and so, having taken my contacts out for the night, it's hard to get the laptop close enough to my face to see, so I've spent forever typing this on my iPod.
Thanks again, all.