So, I figure this goes better here than General or the other forums.
I'm looking forward to having a more active post in this forum in the near future - right now I'm not physically able to do what I want to do for a major part of my exercise plan.
Next Friday, June 11th, I'll be going into surgery for my left hip. It's called "Birmingham Hip Resurfacing," and is supposed to be much better for "younger" people needing surgery (I'm just into my 40s) for hip conditions.
I'm just wondering if anyone else here has had this done, and what your results were post-op. I'm looking to get the right side done in August, and am looking forward to be pretty pain-free with a real range-of-motion back for the first time in years. I don't hobble or anything, but just can't bend my legs more than being able to walk & sit. Even when I'm standing, the right leg's muscles pull it into a bit of an angle, as a subconscious way of avoiding the bone-on-bone areas, I think.
Wish me luck/say a prayer to your deity or the universe (Tunare's included.
). This is the first surgery I've had, other than like wisdom teeth. I'm not scared, only slightly nervous, but mostly optimistic about the outcome. My surgeon's done almost 700 of these, and only had 6 problems. Pretty damn good success rate, methinks.