Rynar wrote:
Honestly, I think Mr. Batts should be fired. As should any other officer who supports this in voice, or action. If they move to oppose the firing by force, they should be executed by the citizens of their county.
He should definitely be fired. No one else, however, should be, for supporting him. They have no power to make the decision, therefore the opinion is their own and perfectly within their rights to express. As for "moving to oppose the firing by force", in the ridiculously unlikely event that would happen, any of them using deadly force to resist the law can, of course, be killed in the process of trying to arrest them. If they were not killed in the process of arresting them, they should be tried and sentenced appropriately to whatever crimes they committed. Any citizen attempting to execute them summarily, or not in accordance with established law and procedure for trial should be arrested and tried as well, and can be shot in the proess of stopping them if they are employing deadly force.
However, the fact that you felt it necessary to even bring up "opposing the firing by force" indicates that you have a highly unrealistic appraisal of the situation.