Rafael wrote:
Oh c'mon, how can you say Kidnergarten Cop was high budget?
I can't, you're right. But it was horribad. And he was horribad in it.
It was in the same awesomely bad category as most of Joe Pesci's movies (The Super comes to mind).
In this, we agree.
And Aikido, while impressive in a demonstration, lends itself to to situtions only where the defender can anticipate an attack or is simply a better athlete.
My not being dead says otherwise. There are a few martial arts that I think are *incredibly* practical in real situations - Jui Jitsu, Aikido, Krav Maga, and boxing. Rondori training in Aikido teaches you to act with intention in the most dire of circumstances. I honestly think that it's some of the best hand to hand combat training I have ever received, and I have a lot of hand to hand combat training under my belt.
I'm sorry, but any non-Greco wrestler would pose serious problems for an Aikido practioner, especially one who is physically conditioned. Luckily, Segal actually is rather athletic and also has his size advantage.
Neither of which he needs. Look, he was an American teaching Aikido in Japan. This was almost unheard of. They don't let you do that unless you know what you're doing. Before he was famous, he was a well respected teacher of the art, and he trained law enforcement and (if you believe it) special forces and the CIA.
Dude is very, very dangerous.
Nevertheless, it'd be far more entertaining if he practiced combative Capoeira. Now THAT would be entertaining to watch him use as a law enforcer.
At risk of offending, Capoeira is fail. Or at least, I have yet to encounter a practical combative form of the art. That being said, I *love* it, and wish I could do it.

It feels like all the people who want limited government really just want government limited to Republicans.
---The Daily Show