Not sure you can ever go home again. Logged in last night for the first time in two years...
Envirnomentally, I like the style of the graphics better than WoW. The controls are weirdish after being used to WoW's control scheme, but they came back pretty quickly. The character model's animation is a little stiff, and the animation of the mounts is *dreadful*. I had forgotten that I held my swords in front of me all the time. But that's as it is.
I had let someone else play my account for a bit after I quit so I logged in in the Guild Lobby, buffed with stuff. I had lightning crackling all over me, flames coming off of me, and like an icy mist around my feet... and I couldn't figure out how to turn it off
So I turned into a wolf and it went away. /shrug
Went to the bank. I have 160k. Is that a lot? Dunno how bad inflation is... but 160k sounds like a lot of plat. Ah well. Lets see if I can beat stuff up. To the guild hall! Let's see here, teleporter... hmm... Oh! Hate! I like Hate. Let's go there.
Yep, still looks the same as I remember. Let's buff up and pewpew something to death. I remember being good at that. God this UI is awful. I miss my quartz. Ah well. Roots up and Pew.... Oh... um, how do I autofire? Er. Crap! How do I macro! Hang on Mr. Mob, googling how best to kill you. Ok, macro set, autofire away! Pew. Pew. Funny, I remember this going faster... Hm. Maybe I should throw in some nukes. Go Giant Ancient Snowball of doomy doom! /giggle Yeah, that's still cool. Hm. Lets see if I can melee something to death here and not die. Well, that was much faster. Hm. Guess the bowing isn't as cool anymore. Well, let's go somewhere else.
Oh. How do I gate. Oh ****. I don't gate. Hate has no exit portal. /facepalm. Ok, think. Isn't there a gatey AA? That... I don't have. Ok, how did I get around? Oh! Gate potions! Yes! And... um... do I... YES! Chug a lug baby.
Alright, now where? Hm, let's go somewhere I remember. PoE! I can see if I can fight the entrance mobs. Guild lobby to PoK to PoT... wow, this is a long way.... Like, seriously long. One thing I don't miss is the travel time. (Ok, it probably wasn't *that* long really.) Ok, Po.... Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands? Ooook... sure. Whatever.
You know, I am really still impressed with the weapon design. My Epic 2.0 is gorgeous. Perfect, swordy, rangery. The Notched Blade of Bloodletting is also pretty cool. They feel right as weapons, they're not nearly as ridiculous as some of the Blizzard oeuvre. In fact, if I could have these weapons on my rogue in WoW, I would never want to use anything else. But I digress. There's a giant crocodile here to beat up. And beat it up I do! Alright, let's try that tree thing. 2 for 2! Although, having to target myself for a heal is bad. Ah well, there's probably an option somewhere I'm missing. And an earth elemental! 3 for... oops add. Stupid dillos! Beat one down, then the other... Ahh! Another minidillo! Ok, nuke the hell out of it, I'm almost oom. And, back to ZI. Hm.
Its getting late, maybe I should just camp here for now. Maybe I can start a rogue or something this weekend. I have a shitton of plat