Hannibal wrote:
Recent thoughts on these situations point to the benefits of the first responders being prepared to make immediate entry. That requires a better trained and armed police force.
Up to a point yes. The biggest problem with making an immidiate entry is having enough people to do it. Unless we get some sort of Sci-Fi power armored suit that grants a single person an overwhelming advantage over multiple adversaries, that's a serious problem. It isn't a matter of even having enough cops; it's having enough cops at the right place at the right time. Moreover, any building entry is a team effort and requires coordination to avoid endangering each other. Some processes, such as moving up a staircase, are hideously complicated in ways that are very difficult to understand until you've done it. I remember being astounded at how complex it was when I went through that kind of training. When you have a situation like this, your choices for entry are either A) wait for the SWAT team that has trained
together, has the equipment, and has the numbers or B) sacrifice those advantages in order to act quickly (which is often necessry in situations like Columbine or VT) and take the risk of sending in the first four guys to show up, who may not even be from the same agency, or really know each other.
In order to make an entry, you need AT LEAST two people just to enter the building, and really for anything bigger than a typical residence you need four. That's a bare minimum to do it at all, more are really needed to do it well. You need more to set up a perimeter too; entering without one is possible but hardly advisable.
It's not as bad at a single-family residence, because it's fairly small, but you're not likely to know how the place is laid out in advance and there's not a lot of room for mistakes. Most of the tactics surrounding immediate entry have focused on schools, for obvious reasons. Schools are horendous to search even at night for a simple burglar alarm when you know there are no hostages. Doing it with actual people present is **** hard.
Also a few private citizens splattering these F#$)(#'s brains across a few windows would go a long way to deterring the behavior.