Boo. Having to log out and then back in to fully Cata-enable your account led to ridiculous login issues for about 10-15 minutes.
10-15 minutes during which the first prepared cook to luck past the login got server first cooking.
I return to blaming the whole releasing the Cata Cooking dailies 2 weeks in advance. Kind of bleh to end up having the whole achievement hinge on being one of the lucky few to get through. Took me over 5 minutes
after server first Cooking was obtained before I could log in. Clearly Blizzard didn't put much thought into this because I am pretty sure they didn't intend for it to play out this way.
That aside, Cata launch has been pretty sweet so far. Healing instances is... different. I expect there will be relatively fewer healers in this expansion as compared to last. :p It's really, really weird to get surprised by a pull (those two pulls in Twilight Vortex that spam the group are especially sweet
) and end up barely keeping the group alive and using 3/4 of your mana bar. Definitely have to put my remaining talents into mana regen stuff... I'm looking forward to raid healing a lot now.
Having to level slowly cause of all these assignments for school makes me a bit sad but it lets me take advantage more of their newness and relative coolness I suppose! The last one in Hyjal is pretty sweet. Vashj'ir is practically made for Druids... Aquatic Form with the minor glyph is soooooo fast there. Glorious.
edit: Replacing Val'anyr with a blue was.. I... ..tears are in my eyes.
Maybe I can convince myself that the bubbles make up for 500 SP and the nearly 100 int... maybe... somehow...