/www.proudgrandparents.co.uk wrote:
Abiding by the Rules
Parents are the final authority when it comes to matters concerning their children. That sentence cannot be stressed enough and if all grandparents made a decision before their first grandchild ever came into the world to honour that message; there would be far fewer family disagreements. Parents, especially first timers, often have very specific ideas about how they would like their children to be raised. Decisions about feeding, sleeping, outings, and discipline have likely been well thought out and most parents have strong opinions as to how they will guide and direct their children. Grandparents must remember that although they have many years of experience in matters of childcare, the children in question are not their own and therefore the decisions about the children's care are not really theirs to make.
Read that, "MOM". Read it. Understand it. You better figure out really quickly who are the parents of that little boy.
Don't question us on what we ask. We don't need your reasons as to why you do or don't want to do what we want for our son when he is in your care.
You don't know how close you are to losing him at this moment. I swear it, one more false step and you lose the very thing you have been hoping for that would make you happy.
Don't cross us. He is our son, not little baby Foamy or FoamyBro. Do what we ask without commentary or you will only see him when (if) we decide to let you.
She actually had the nerve to pull out the line, "Well, I've raised two children." Really, F***ing wonderful. Oonagh's mom raised three, I guess she's better at it than you, right?
The other gem she pulled out (Said to Oonagh), "When I needed help, I asked my mother." Oonagh's response should have been, "Yeah, I do ask MY MOTHER."
Guess what "Mom"...you did a shitty job. One barely ever talks to you unless he needs something and I hate you.
This must be
Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays.