Lex Luthor wrote:
Rynar wrote:
Lex Luthor wrote:
Smoking is a personal action. Employment involves other people. It's inherently different. Furthermore it's bad if people are denied opportunities because someone is prejudiced.
Hireing someone is a personal action. So you shouldn't have any say in the people you surround yourself with, and that has no impact on what your lifestyle is? Again, bad argument is bad.
I actually don't care about these semantics. I just think it's better if people are allowed to smoke and also they don't get discriminated against. That's my opinion and if I ran things that's how it'd go. Also redundant statement is redundant.
No, what you don't care about is logical consistancy, and what you do care about is being a spoiled child stamping your feet. You want me to be forced to associate with you, restricting my freedoms and affecting my lifestyle so that you can be insulated from the concequences of making poor decisions, which happens to incude a change in your lifestyle which you freely chose when you decided to smoke knowing that I would choose not to associate with you if you did.
19 Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
Ezekiel 23:19-20