Drug testing is standard scientific method. The only difference is the hypothosis being tested is not one of absolutes. It is not "does X drug do Y in Every case"
It IS "Does X drug do Y in some portion of the population, and do the benfits outweigh the risks"
It may be that a certain drug only affects people with a certain chromosome or certain types of cancer. That in no way invalidates the science and the nature of the process that was used to achieve it.
Riov, no offence but you really need to understand more of how medicines in general work. (not talking about bioengineered meds).
Most meds target a system in the body. Meds are not there to ‘cure’ an ailment, they are to either reduce a symptom, control your immune system in some way, increase or decrease path ways, to release something your body can not self produce due to deficiency, etc, etc, etc. Messing with the body is always risky, simply because of the perfectly balanced (most of the time) system that we are.
There are of course exceptions being the anti-microbial/anti-fungal, which targets the organism. (won’t get into it, too long, not enough coffee yet)
The question asked when developing a new drug IS “Does the X drug do Y in every case”. In a lab control environment, it is often yes. It is until you have live animals trials and human trials that this question falls into %.
Reason being there are other complex systems in the mix in humans, sometime’s people are allergic, sometimes they have other ailments which interfere, sometimes they have a genetic deviation, or sometimes they simply don’t dose according to the instructions. That’s not to say the drug doesn’t work, the chemical reaction doesn’t change, there are just some things which might derail the reaction.
The creation of the medicine is a science with lots of fun multi-paged reports to read, and trust me when I say there is enough validation and verification data to crush a horse. Distributing it to the general public… not so much. BUT in other good news, this is also why the drug industry is looking into bioengineered drugs, personally designed and ensured to work every time because it takes that variable out of equation. So ya, don’t hate the drug, hate the taker =P