Rynar wrote:
I have demonstrated that more than 23 million african-Americans have been systematically encouraged to kill themselves.
You've demonstrated no such thing.
I have provided source material, which if researched, would have led you to KKK materials referencing a strong support for Planned Parenthood both ideologically and financially.
Meaningless factoid. Just because a group we dont like supports a particular cause, doesn't make the cause anymore wrong or right.
I have provided the current standard definition of genocide.
Genocide still requires intent. No intent exists.
I have presented to you the intent of the founding of PP.
Sanger advocated reproductive rights for ALL women, not simply those of color. Again, even if she did, it does not constitute a conspiracy to commit genocide on one entire side. If a member of Westboro feeds a homeless person, it hardly means that feeding the homeless is in support of WBC's policies. Even if a member of WBC founded United Way, it wouldn't mean the organization was guilty of supporting WBC. You cannot stain an entire organization just because we dont like some of the beliefs of the founder. Were we to do that, we'd have to stain the US overall. How many founders kept slaves?
I have shown our own government's recent funding of inner city abortions as a stimulus measure.
Funding planned parenthood does not equal funding abortions. Beyond that where is the money going compared to unwanted pregnancy rates? You can't just say "well those are in black neighborhoods, ergo its targeted at blacks."
I believe it is your turn to present a counter argument based on more than your own feelings unless you wish to conceed.
And I've refuted every argument you've made.