Midgen wrote:
Diamondeye wrote:
It's about not pointlessly antagonizing muslims in general.
I already answered this once.. here it is again..
So apparently flying Navy Seals into a foreign country without their knowledge or consent, invading his private residence, killing his wife and son, and shooting him in the face, and then flying his dead body off to a US Air Craft Carrier for an 'honorable' burial is going to somehow appease someone?
I'm not buying it.
And I already answered that once. Yes, it may appease some people becuase there are plenty of people out there that are not fans of Bin Laden, but also are not fans of the U.S. and suspect our motives in regard to Islam.
It's fairly easy for people to grasp that Bin Laden is our enemy and we want to kill him and understand that's the way things go. It's a lot less understandable to blatantly disregard what they see as "proper treatment of a corpse". Like I've pointed out a few times, that's a judgement call. I would say it would have been better judgement to take the risk of pissing off a few extra people and hold the body longer, but I find it absurd to claim it can have no conceiveable benefit whatsoever to do what was done.
Your idea that it "won't appease someone" contains the unspoken assumption that any given person must necessarily be completely ok with everything we did, or opposed to every single bit of it, when there is no reason that must be true.
Lets try this...
Question: Why did U.S. Navy dispose of Osama Bin Laden's corpse in the Arabian Sea?
A) Out of respect for Muslim/Islamic Tradition
B) So as not to incite more anti US sentiment in the Arab/Islamic/Muslim world
C) Because it was a convenient way to hide {insert your favorite theory here}
D) Some of the Above
E) All of the above
Let's not. Right now, the only real argument I'm seeing that the burial was for any reason other than the one stated is people's own incredulity.