Rafael wrote:
So you aren't going to actually hold people accountable to specific things they've said and would rather just blanket and generalize everyone on this board as "anti-liberal, anti-democrat, anti-hispanic, and anti gay"?
Well, it's a target rich environment, Raf. A lot of conservatives say and have said a lot of really nasty things about liberals, gays, hispanics, and democrats. It happens very casually and is simply accepted parlance here. But if anyone
dares to use the same tactics against conservatives, they are the [/i]enemy[/i] and must be purged.
I stand agape at the hypocrisy and willful ignorance on the board from conservatives. A few scant years ago, had liberals been this vicious or slanderous against Bush, they would have been banned. The board would have screamed that they were traitors, that they hated America, that they were fascists and communists and wanted the terrorists to win.
Flash ahead to a liberal, black president, and all the sudden the tea baggers are the greatest patriots in the world. People holding obama-as-hitler signs and sporting assault rifles are not considered to be crazed anti-american fringies, but noble patriots.
I didn't see these conservatives loosing a single wink of sleep over the expansion of executive authority under bush (with the exception of Khross and Elmo), and I *sure* as hell didn't see anyone out there trumpeting the kind of hate that gets passed around here so casually back then.
But suddenly, a black liberal democrat is in office, and everything he does is a shocking abuse of executive authority. In other words, if you are a white conservative president, just about anything you do is forgivable and understandable. Warrantless wiretaps? No problem! Pre-emptive war based on bad and fabricated intelligence? You go, girl! Government expansion like the Dpt. of Homeland security? No worries! Funding faith based initiatives? Why, that's explicitly approved in the constitution! (...) Medicare part D? It's a wonderful program!
Conservatives were perfectly happy being socialists when their team was in power. No, I am not counting Khross.
It feels like all the people who want limited government really just want government limited to Republicans.
---The Daily Show