Midgen wrote:
I qualify this opinion by stating that I think paying $15 a month for a game you play online with friends every day is like fscking stealing as far as the value of my entertainment dollars go.. compare it to the cost of going to a movie (for example)...
I totally agree, however, there's a powerful psychological pressure to play "to get your money's worth" when you're subscribing. The biggest draw for Free to Play for me is that I feel like I can play multiple games very casually that way; I would never subscribe to 5 $15 monthly gaming subscriptions, but I might pop between 5 free to play games periodically.
The value per dollar metric is valid, but it doesn't always jive psychologically. I may get 4 hours of movie entertainment out of $15, but I feel bad/guilty paying for an ongoing subscription if I don't play it for 2 months... even if that third month rolls around, I get the itch to play, and go on a 40 hour binge that month. From a logical standpoint, I got 40 hours of entertainment out of that $45, but it doesn't "feel" as responsible an expenditure as the 12 hours 6 movie tickets got me, because I paid for 2 months of service I didn't need.
And I think that's the biggest driver in the obsolescence of subscription models; it made sense and worked well when the selection was leaner, but now there are just too many games competing for the same players, and many of those players are losing the ardently defensive factionalism to be loyal to only one of them.