Micheal wrote:
Reports from many of my SCA friends back east is that they are on Pennsic Mode. Pennsic is the big two week camping trip near Slippery Rock, they are all breaking out their camping gear, stores of water and the forever keepable camp food reserves, wearing their cloaks and other warm garb. Hooray for the hobby.
I'm spoiled at Pennsic, since I have electricity there. Despite many of my lanterns being in storage near Coopers Lake, I had enough at home to keep things semi-illuminated, without needing to pull out oil lamps. I had the camp stove close at hand to set up outdoors after the wind/rain stopped, but didn't need it. Sleeping bags and wool or fleece blankets did the trick at night, and I had sweatshirts and sweaters to share with my mom and sis for during the day.
I have some cute photos of my mom and daughter playing board games by flashlight. I also had charged walkie-talkies, and my daughter had fun exploring the house in the dark with a flashlight and reporting back to me by radio.