Africa in general is plagued with poor education and endless conflicts driven by tribalism. As for churches and Christianity (and Islam) well.. I think most Christians from the Americas, Europe, Australia, or pretty much anywhere BUT Africa would be very surprised at what "Catholic" or "Anglican" (The second largest religious group in Uganda) doctrine involves.
As for church groups here in the U.S....
Well, most homosexuals in Uganda probably ARE christians themselves (the article indicates this, anecdotally), and as for the American "Family" Association and its ilk, these are the sorts of people that would regularly condemn Catholics and Anglicans alike as "Works-based churches" and quite a few less savory things if confronted with anything beyond what the fat man with the sweaty armpits decided was the "biblical" teaching this past week. It's amusing to see that they're all about supporting a population of RCs and Anglicans made up of people who are too poorly educated to understand the doctrines of their own faith, as soon as those people sponsor something that bears on an issue that the AFA has consistently been losing on in this country.
By the way, the Reuters link indicates that the death penalty was removed from the bill:
Bahati re-introduced a mildly watered-down second draft in February and is confident of a "yes" vote even though the bill's progress has stalled at committee level.
The death sentence clause is gone, as is the demand Ugandans report gays to the authorities, he told Reuters.