So, my marriage is over (hopefully soon). The situation is unbearable. She's moody and becomes physically and emotionally abusive. 4 times when trying to leave the house to escape, she's threatened suicide if I do. Or she'll break things in the house. It's totally silly. We're way too different in what we want as well. I was very dumb to enter into this situation.
Back in Sept I spoke with a lawyer to start working on a divorce, but TX has a 60 day waiting period. From past convos with her at the start of our issues, we talked about divorce, but she swings back and forth between what she says she wants, so I don't trust much that she says. I don't even know if she knows what she wants. Anyway, bringing up the divorce would just upset her and causing another episode. So after the 60 period was up and she finally just said she wouldn't sign, I dropped it and told the lawyer that she'd have to be served.
I'm a contractor in Japan, so it's kind of hard for me to just leave. I have no where to go and I can't make her get on a plane. every time we discuss divorce she seems to decide that she wants money before she'll get on a plane "because she doesn't trust me." This last time he wanted 30,000. Of course I know the legal system doesn't work that way, the court would say what I gave her, but she seems to possess no logic module.
About a week ago she went back to her home to take care of some VISA stuff, at which point I had her taken off my orders so she isn't covered by the SOFA agreement. It feels kinda shady to have to do that, but she is ridiculous and I can't handle this crap. It's seriously affected my job and I haven't made any progress on any personal goals last year.
She keeps close tabs on the money and doesn't let me keep more than a few ones in my wallet.
She is constantly thinking I am disrespecting her by looking at other women, which at this point means I have to keep my head down in public, but that not a sure way to stop her from thinking whatever.
She has a very broad definition of what flirting is. example, I'm talking to the lady at the counter about a trip we're signing up for and I guess eye contact while talking is flirting. This woman wasn't even attractive. So she tells me my "standards are getting lower." She thought the same thing when the housing lady was explaining various things about the house.
She needs a great deal of attention. If she's on the computer checking facebook and I;m playing the xbox, after about 30 minutes she'll complain about being ignored. We have to do everything together. So it basically means no friends and no hobbies.
She's belligerent and trying to explain to her that my ROTH IRA is not a waste of money goes way over her head, the general respinse being "you can't use the money once you are dead."
She takes offense sometimes at the littlest things.
The last argument happened because of something that happened at the movie theater. We were waiting for The Hobbit and were there a bit early. We were sitting there for a while and she rested her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I overheard a conversation behind us and it made me laugh silently, so I moved my shoulders and woke her up. "Why do you have to wake me?" she says in an annoyed tone. "Sorry." Another part of the story makes me laugh. "Why do you need to wake me?" "Sorry, I overheard that joke."
Ok, so afterwards in the car home, she start on about it. Basically she thinks they were talking about her and my laughing was wrong because it was about her. They were jealous of her in some way I guess, it's all nonsensical to me. I don't really even know how to respond. She makes herself more and more mad until she's furious. You see, once angry she then begins to think of other things I did to make her angry. So, she kicks me hard in the leg while I was brushing my teeth. I'm so tired of these episodes, and it's been relatively quiet between us for a while, but I'm not staying in the house for this crap tonight.
She would likely have kept awake for 2 hours while she explains to me how shitty I am as a husband and shes super great and lots of guys like her and yadda yadda yadda christ kill me now just make her shut up and go to sleep arrrrrgh. She says she'll break stuff if I leave. I go outside but don't get in the car. I can hear her tossing things about. Finally, many months too late, I call the cops on this ****. She thinks this is the worst thing in the world a husband could do to his wife. We should keep it "in the family business."
A few times before she threatened suicide if I leave, demanding I come back inside as she waves a knife around. She says if she kills herself that I'm responsible.
The first time, she became violent I tried to restrain her from hurting herself or things, but only ended up with a scar on my arm from her nails. I now know better, the only solution is to leave the area. She says that's "running from my problems."
She's not here now, and I haven't told yet that she's off my orders and shouldn't try to come back. I should be quite happy that it's almost over as I didn't think she was going to leave for the VISA stuff after the last fight. She expressed concern that she was pregnant before she left. It's happened before and honestly, I don't know how she hadn't gotten pregnant already, so I wasn't to worried. well, she took the HPT and it came up positive and the OBGYN there said it was so. I haven't seen anything myself, but I don't know why I'm inclined to believe her.
I won't hesitate to support a child if I have one. I have no desire to support her. Ever. I needed to get some of it off my chest, because the last few days strange thoughts of trying to make it work with her, with the help of some serious marriage counseling professionals, have crept into my head. I think it's a bad idea though. I have to think about the long term for myself, even if my wife doesn't. After 18 years, then what? At first she expressed a desire to work, she got a cert to be a healthcare provider, but afterwards it seem obvious that she's got no intention of working. There's no guarantee she'll change at all.
Even if I'm guilty of all the things she says, I don't think I deserve this crap from her. Remembering it all helps dissuade those pesky thoughts of working it out away.
I gotta tell her soon that, yes we are still getting a divorce, even though you always go back to acting like nothing happened and you didn't so anything wrong. She says I deserve it for making her so mad....