Diamondeye wrote:
I sweat my **** *** off working.
Except, you're not laboring; you have a service job, ostensibly. And, before you say anything, yes, security personnel are service positions. They are non-production positions, regardless of what security they're providing. They may be the profit arm of something like Craft Security or Blackwater, but that's neither here nor there.
Our minimum wage doesn't tell American's they're too good to sweat; any idiot with half a brain knows that $5.00 an hour under the table is better take-home and more usable income than $7.25 an hour with full withholding ...
So, let me be more blunt, since apparently the original reply didn't get through to you ...
Social engineering in the United States has created a bunch of lazy, entitlement-driven nitwits who think they're too good to sweat, to labor, to dig ditches, and to shovel ****. The only problem is, we need people to sweat, labor, dig ditches, and shovel ****. Unfortunately, our entire social structure is based on telling the entire world we're above that ...
And if I want someone who knows something, I'm probably better off hiring an international candidate there, too ... in most cases. Americans are ill-educated; ill-prepared for the adult world; and generally so poorly socialized after high school and college as to be useless. This is entirely our country's fault; it's entirely our society's fault.
I'm willing to bet 9 out of 10 Glader's have 3-5 years salary in debt, and that's being generous. Most Americans have 1-2 years worth of their salary in revolving debt. Their houses are generally 10x salary initial purchase because of stupid politics. In fact, the only proof I really need that American societal norms are killing this country lies in the replies I got last time I said this: "If you need a loan to buy something, you can't afford it."
Corolinth wrote:
Facism is not a school of thought, it is a racial slur.