Khross wrote:
The Senate has originated its own bill and that's the one the House is wholesale rejecting at the moment. They cannot originating revenues and appropriations bills in the Senate -- I posted you the relevant part of Article 1 Section 7 -- those bills MUST originate in the House.
Yes, the bill I'm aware of that the Senate passed originated in the House. There may be another one I am missing? There is a lot going on at the moment.
Further, there's nothing stopping the Senate from preparing a bill, and giving it to the House and having it "originate" there. That's what I meant by "propose".
Khross wrote:
Arathain wrote:
The Senate is not required to rubber-stamp budgets. They are allowed to reject them, revise them, and propose the revisions to the House. This is what they have done.
Look, I'm not defending either side. I'm suggesting only that you are overly biased.
I didn't say they had to rubber-stamp budgets; but they are the party preventing funding from occurring in this situation. And they are solely the party preventing funding from occurring in this situation. And they haven't issued amendments. Reid is outright rejecting the piece-meal funding solutions that were prepared well in advance of the shutdown.
I don't disagree with this PERSPECTIVE.
Harry Reid and Barack Obama are protecting their Golden Child; and it's going to destroy this nation. That's not really hyperbole, either.
Sorry, I got to "that's not really hyperbole" and rolled my eyes so hard they popped out of their sockets. That's not really an exaggeration, either.
And I'm not biased;
Crap, they fell out again.
I hate the Republicans just as much as I hate the Democrats. My issue is the media frenzy and popular opinion delusion going on that the Republicans started this nonsense. The Republicans didn't; they simply did their job.
I definitely agree with your perspective.