The problem with this guy is that.. well basically, he's just being ridiculous.
First of all, he talks about us becoming a "feudal society". We aren't. Feudalism is a lot more than just there being rich people and poor people. Feudalism is a system from before the concept of the nation-state. The closest thing to feudalism in the modern world are tribal societies where the family leader reports to the clan leader who reports to the tribal leader, but even there it's different from a few noble families running everything because
everyone in those societies is part of a family, clan, and tribe.
Second, "income inequality" is not what creates revolutions. What creates revolutions is
absolute poverty, not
relative poverty. The poor in this country are fabulously wealthy compared to the poor in much of the world. The working middle class in this country is rich beyond the wildest dreams of much of the world.
The conditions of the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution occurred in times when mass starvation was a real issue, and most modern amenities did not exist AT ALL. Social programs were nearly nonexistent. They were not a simple matter of the proportion of wealth controlled by the upper classes or nobility, they were a matter of the absolute state of poverty, privation, and misery of the peasantry, combined with repression - that's
real repression, not what passes for "repression" in the histrionics of spoiled brats in this country.
People take to the streets when they are TRULY desperate; when survival is in question. They don't take to the streets because someone else has more than them, because revolutions destroy a lot. People will not risk what they have on the outcome of revolution unless they really don't have any other option - and they do. In this country we have the government
practically begging people to take some help.People are flooding into this country to do the jobs Americans supposedly don't want to do. People don't run to revolutions; they run away from them.
This guy and his "highly unequal societies" he can't show examples of are unequal in a lot of ways other than just distribution of wealth; most importantly, if you're at the bottom you don't have an XBOX, you don't have food stamps, and you don't have anyone complaining about how unequal it is for you.
This kind of tomfoolery is what passes for being informed these days. This man, despite his business acumen, has at best a poor grasp of history. The only one in need of a wakeup call is him. He is the one living in a dream world, where complex issues can be distilled down to the one aspect he understands - relative wealth distribution - and this somehow passes for understanding of history.
The worst part is that he talks at the end about how if they help everyone, they'll get richer. In fact, that's what's happened. Everyone HAS gotten richer; we live in unbelievable abundance compared Russians in 1917 or French people in the 18th and 19th Century. We have amenities now that seemed like science fiction in 1980. It's just that the rich have gotten rich proportionately faster. Yeah, FDR indeed. We've been over the New Deal before.