Corolinth wrote:
This game is no more of a hazard than handguns.
Look, you can't fix stupid, but now you can give them Pokemon GO and let them go outside during rush hour.
During my 17 mile bike commute home from work every day, I have to stop on the trail 3 or 4 times to avoid a crash. People standing in groups in the middle of the trail, totally zombified by whatever it is on their phone screen.
They aren't the ones who will get hurt if I crash into them....
And I'm not totally against this game. There are some great aspects to it. I've seen families.. as in parents and their young children, walking through the park playing the game together. Surely getting outside and enjoying the summer weather, playing in the park.. it's all great. Just don't to stupid **** (private property, block sidewalks and MUT's, cause car crashes, etc...). Just have a little respect for those around you and it's all awesome. Or, alternatively, please just don't get anyone killed.. mainly ME.