Micheal wrote:
Vindicarre - A good writer can infuse the reader with a host of feelings. If you don't believe that to be true you aren't paying attention.
Imprecise statements cause people to back peddle and change the goalposts.
If you believe someone can make you feel anything, you missed out on some coursework.
Micheal wrote:
I've believed for a long time that Elmo is unbalanced and in the second category in both sentences. I may be wrong. I don't think I am. My take on what Vindicarre seems to be trying to say is that there is no difference in the two and he is in Elmo's camp.
Please, please, don't attempt to put "your take" on what I'm "trying to say";for someone to even intimate that what I wrote, as clear and concise as it was, would lead you to believe that I am "looking forward to the opportunity to kill people semi-legally" is frankly, beyond my ability to decipher.
I don't suppose you'd be willing to enlighten me as to how you reached that conclusion?
"Dress cops up as soldiers, give them military equipment, train them in military tactics, tell them they’re fighting a ‘war,’ and the consequences are predictable." —Radley Balko