My concern going forward... what to do about our 25ish current people.
I'd rather do everything with 10s if this was coming off a blank slate, though. My current guild has never had 25 good players at any one time. We're stuck on Sindragosa in 25s (though admittedly, due to our ~5 hours of raiding a week we've only pulled her some 15 times) and judging by the raid's inability to alternate between right and left in P3, looks like we'll be there for a bit yet. I'm terrified of Defile with some of em. Meanwhile like in Dash's case, our 10 man team has gone into heroics, and there we've one shot Marrowgar, Deathwhisper, Gunship (har), Festergut, and Rotface. Dreamwalker was easy too. I was hoping for a one-shot on Queen but our dps haven't quite got it into their heads that Princes is not a race and a kinetic orb will slip through and usually wipe us.
Though now that I think about it, maybe if a dps dies from that, our raid would be better off since they can be 100% orb watching... hmm... anyway I digress. :p
A lot of raiding-minded folks don't want to join a guild that only raids twice a week, so we're not exactly swamped by decent applicants, either. :p Booting all the slower folks is not an option if we want to raid at all.
I am thinking a bit on how they seem to plan to do multiple raids per tier, though, and how that may solve things. Using the SSC/TK example, our 25s could start pushing into SSC and learning that, while we have a team or two of 10s that do TK. That may be one solution.
It's somewhat curious reading these changes, since many of my 10 man team have some loose plans to reroll new chars on a new server just to run 10 mans without all the drama and people that can't tell left from right. It certain puts these plans in a new light...
It does sound like the sort of thing that can shake up a lot of guilds, but at this point I'm left wondering if any guild that gets shaken up by this doesn't simply prefer 10 mans to 25s anyway. At that point, wouldn't it be a good thing?