Except, you're still operating under the very first notion of government given to you in Kindergarten and First Grade: that it is a government of the people, by the people, for the people. You said, "The government is a reflection of constituents." That's not really the case; it just wants you to believe that. It is, in fact, precisely the populist mechanic that perpetuates any authoritarian regime that seems unstoppable.
In fact, it's not that I think you're a government fanboy, as much as it is I don't think you understand how social constructivism and social phenomenology changes the order in which things come to be. The United States has long since ceased to be the aggregation of its citizens. Rather, its citizens has come to be precisely the kind of people the government needs them to be to perpetuate its power. In that respect, things are terribly Orwellian. Children are taught to idolize certain values when do not exist in the actual practice of government. They are taught to believe in a myth not reflected by the reality of government. And, for the most part, none of truly give up those myths. The reality is far more insidious than we want to consider.
For instance, consider the general reluctance to evaluate the similarities between the Obama Administration and the Bush Administration. What's to be gained from factionalization in this regard? Why is it that the things Bush did are so atrocious, despite no change in policy or review by the Obama Administration? What are both Administrations doing, in practice, that continues to erode individual liberty and civil freedom? Where is the outcry against either? The inexorable march of government expansion wasn't halted during Bush's Presidency. It wasn't halted during Reagan's, for that matter either. Rather, the government continues to expand its net of control and influence, while the population focuses on issues that either don't matter or distract them from the fact the government speaks and acts out of both sides of its mouth. And all the while, the people implored, indeed led, to believe they are responsible for this monstrosity.
The ruling class in the United States is dangerous precisely because it knows it can exploit these myths and faux-values to perpetuate itself and its power. It merely has to provide the ultimate circus for its fans: the illusion of self-determination.
_________________ Corolinth wrote: Facism is not a school of thought, it is a racial slur.