Rynar wrote:
I suppose that makes all supporters of Barak Obama rabid anti-semites, since Malik Shabazz is?
Of course not. But liberals aren't running around with anti semetic signs at rallies, or carrying loaded assault rifles into protests.
I haven't once called you a racist Rynar. If you feel like you can be a member of the Tea Party while simultaneously ignoring the clear racist animus that drives the base of the movement, more power to you. But you can't just cast aside major Tea Party leaders as bad apples when they show their stripes.
The movement is clear and visceral reaction to the election of a black, liberal President. The conspiracy theories the Tea Party embraces are part and parcel to their racial bias (see signs that read things like "go back to Kenya" that seem to show up frequently at the protests).
The Tea Party is furiously attacking anyone and everyone who points out the emperor's new clothes. The movement, if it wants to become something more mainstream, needs to not only come out against any and all racism at their rallies, but must apologize for the racism it has tolerated or tried to simply sweep under the rug.
The white supremacist movement in this country is interwoven with the Tea Party. Financial support pours in from the crazed soverign citizen movement, from the militia movement, and those groups frequently associate with white supremacy groups as well. Ron Paul and Rand Paul, two darlings of the Tea Party movement, have both taken donations from white supremacist groups and individuals, and they have both enjoyed the endorsement of such groups. Ron, at least, has allowed such groups to post his writings on white power websites like stormfront (no, I will not give them hits by posting a link. feel free to look it up yourself).
The movement has it's roots steeped deeply in racism and bigotry. Anti-gay, anti-black, anti-Mexican, anti-liberal - it's all there, right in the open. Every sign that depicts the President as a witch doctor. Every single person who claims he's a muslim. Every person who claims he was born in Kenya - every one of those things finds it's origin in the president's race.
Now, you may not feel that way. But that doesn't change the fact that the movement find's it's core movers and shakers among the most disgusting racists left over from the era that people like Rand Paul pine for - when the lunch counters were segregated and the government's job was to enforce that segregation.
It feels like all the people who want limited government really just want government limited to Republicans.
---The Daily Show