Jasmy wrote:
Okay, I see one woman on this board taking offense, one stating she thought Wwen was venting, a third saying she tried...I don't see any other women on this board saying a damn thing in this thread, yet you think you are correct in your assertions that "many" of us are upset.
I see 2 taking offense, then one of those retracting and saying the understood the OP was venting. I see another going so far as to say "men are emotional retards." I see a fourth I forgot about trying to tread water and stating she believed the OP's behavior was "a guy thing," and now I see you posting as well.
Jasmy wrote:
You are the one always telling everyone else to use words correctly...yet you are throwing around 'many' with the claim that you are "counting us in your head"!
That's because I was counting in my head as to a rough estimate of how many females had posted in the thread. I was also counting in my head as to the total number of "active" female posters on the board.
Jasmy wrote:
Own your words DFK!...
I will. 3 of roughly 6 is many, proportionately. Who are the active female posters on this forum? What other active poster's screennames? Seriously, who have I forgotten. Let's set active as being, say, more than once every other day.
Posters in the thread are: Taamar, Squirrel Girl, Kirra, Ladykate, Jasmy. There's five, so who are the others? Perhaps there are some I'm not aware are female, and I'm sure we have some "non-active" members.
I'm fine with owning my words, but until they're proven incorrect I won't recant them.
Jasmy wrote:
...and don't lump us all into your little slot of dissenting females! (FYI there are more than 3-6 women posting on this board!)
What are you talking about? What "dissenting females?" Seriously, I don't understand 1) what you're getting at and 2) why you're upset.
Are you upset that I've categorized 3 of roughly 6 people as being "many" of those people?
Are you upset that I think those "many" said anything about the prejudicial statements of the OP?
I didn't include you at all in the original assessment of how many people posting agitation at the comments, because you didn't. So please clarify why you're agitated now, because I can't grasp it.